Have you taken the opportunity to really sit down and crunch the numbers as it relates to getting wind and/or solar power for your home?

Maybe not! So that's why I'm going to take the time here to give you the hard core facts about whether or not you can or should invest in a wind and/or solar power system for your home, your business, farm, ranch or industry and what the actual final costs could be.

The first thing you must know is how much electricity you use. It's always best to look at your usage over a broad span of time, like the past 12 months. This gives you an idea of what you should expect to have to "replace" with your own personal electricity generating system. In the interest of time and simplicity I'm going to just discuss wind power here, because it is still the most cost effective energy production when comparing wind and solar.

Keep in mind, if you are a little short on math skills or just prefer not to have to sit and crunch the numbers, we will do this for you and show you the results.

When you've obtained the number of Kilowatt Hours used annually you should then multiply that by the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour (KWh for future reference) and that should give you a pretty clear indication of what your actual electricity costs are. We are able to get our KWh's used from the online website of our energy provider (Xcel Energy). You may have to call your customer service rep at your provider if they don't have it online. It will also be reflected on your bill as "KWh used". You may have to add them up for each of your last 12 bills, or it may have a cumulative total.

Once those numbers are arrived at, we will be able to help you with determining which complete wind system would be right for you. There are a number of good systems on the market and there are also some really great systems out there. Do your homework... I have!!

Be aware that some of the promotional material sounds really good but as with most promotional material, it's written by the folks that are attempting to sell them. Not that they would purposely skew any numbers, but it's important to find independent research if it's available. Just know that a 5KW system from Company A, may not product the same power as a 5KW system from Company B. There are a number of factors that determine the actual production of the turbine and those factors must be taken into account or the customer may be very dissatisfied with the system once it's up and running.

Once you have all the numbers mentioned above, you'll want to make sure and size your system accordingly. Now for the good part! Uncle Sam is willing to invest in YOUR green energy system if you're willing to make the move. Currently, the Feds will provide you with a 30% tax credit for residences as well as a 30% tax credit or grant if you're a business converting to green energy. If you are rural and a business entity, you may qualify for an additional 25% grant offered by USDA. That could be a total of 55% off the cost of your entire installed system. If you're a small rural business, that could mean that a $30,000 system could end up with an actual final cost to you of only $13,500.00. If your overall system cost is $100,000. your actual final cost could be only $45,000. With that kind of "financial assistance" the ROI is phenomenal. Your payout, depending on the cost of your electricity, could be as short as 5 to 7 years. These systems are manufactured to last 20 to 25 years. That's a lot of years of free energy and super savings for you! It's what I would call a "NO-BRAINER"!!

Texas Wind and Solar Power
PO Box 20885
Amarillo, Texas 79114
WEB: http://www.texasrenew.com/
EMAIL: info@TexasWindandSolarPower.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Lee_Taylor

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